London trip day - from paris to london

London trip day – From Paris to London

Here Gare du Nord

Please, could you be clever than me by never use the change counter inside Eurostar station in Gare du Nord going to London.

I do it this morning 15 August, is more than a trap is a robery, change rate is 0.75 pounds for 1 euros and 26 euros charge for 200 €…

Saint Pancras station

St Pancras station is London‘s portal to Europe, with Eurostar trains shuttling passengers from the UK capital to the European continent in under an hour. Despite a few attempts to destroy it, the station is marking its 150th anniversary this year. To wish St Pancras a happy birthday, here are some fun – and not so fun – facts to celebrate.

Anyone passing through St Pancras may have noticed the Yamaha piano that sits in the station concourse waiting for talented members of the public to come along and indulge in an impromptu jam. Elton John left it there as a donation after surprising members of the public with a performance back in February 2016 – but not before signing it with the words: ‘Enjoy this piano. It’s a gift. Love, Elton John.’ Jools Holland, John Legend and Bill Bailey are among those who have since stroked its keys. Je ne l’ai pas vu cette fois..

Le British museum

D’abord c’est gratuit ensuite c’est diversifié.

En deux heures un bref aperçu, je recommande d’y aller entre 13 et 15 heures.


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