Hot long day

Hot long day

De 4 heures du mat à 19:00 long way.

First wakeup at 3:45 then Shower and Petit déjeuner

Hot long dayHot long day

Then walking to airport.

KUALA airport is very well organize so at 4:45 all is done and Waiting 1h the fly boarding 6:00am.. I’m more than enough in time.

Then flying to Cambodia

Hot long dayafter landing is bite long toget a visa 35 dollards every body need to wait a little bit.Hot long day

Finaly its took less than one hour … That’s Ok.

A Thukthuk is waiting to me, first I need to get a Sim card. I’m a little embarrassed brcsuse the diver need to wait me, so I took the empty desk brand for 3G, every body know that is a mistake even me… So the card provided is not really working… Slow and many non working zone.

Hot long day

Then we go and driver stop for take same gazoline in bootle and some water, 10 minutes jater he stop for refill in a Gaz station…

After that, the tuktuk as stop working and I wait a new one for finish my trip…

Welcome in Cambodia 🙂 I’m arrived at the Popular Hotel and Spa

Hot long dayHot long day

Not so bad, Its. ery goox for 25$ by nigth include breakfast. I’m looking for a Tour of temple, Hotel propose only some overprice tours.

I’m looking arround then take a private guide with a motobike… Good choose because I’m alone and tuctuc seem too expensive but it was very hot.

The tour is great I went to Banley arel after some aventure. My guide is friendly but he ride at 20km by hours … I forget my wallet… and many small thinks.

Anyway, I arrive at the first temple and ask the guide to go to Bantey Srei.

Hot long dayHot long day

Le petit frère de ce temple est à 25 kilometres de là.

Hot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long day

Les fresques et les dètails sont de petites merveilles.

Then 3 others temples but I plan to wake up at 4 am tomorrow for a new tour at the sun rise with a rental motorbike .. So just some view of today I will try to get some explanation in the future.

Hot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long dayHot long day