First stop in taiwan

First stop in Taiwan

Une dizaine de jour à Taiwan pourquoi me direz-vous?

D’abord pour son ouverture d’exprit et sa modernité apparente.
Ensuite pour son authenticité, la beauté des paysages, la gentillesse des gens.
Finally also because I’m temporary single, Taiwanese are kind, hospitable, friendly and Caucasians are few in Taiwan. Which means to be no crowd, no group, and as single to be considered as a small cookie to taste. It is a country that combines modernity and Chinese tradition, also here no inappropriate solicitation except a few neighborhoods and it remains anecdotal.
In the meantime, they are very anti-communist and in this trouble french period that refreshes me also.
Finally, one more thing in this moment, because they as requested not communist friendly, the Chinese government doesn’t allow easily  Chinese peoples to go to Taiwan, that means not buses plenty of creasy people impolite and rude.