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Giverny – La maison de Monet

Giverny is a village located 75 km West from Paris
and 4 km East from the town of Vernon.

Giverny - La maison de Monet

It starts from the Saint-Lazare Paris station (which has not changed much since Monet painted it). The fastest trains complete the journey in less than 45 min.

Giverny - La maison de Monet

The Vernon-Giverny station is situated on the main train line Paris / Rouen / Le Havre.

Giverny - La maison de Monet

There are two parts in Monet’s garden: a flower garden called Clos Normand in front of the house and a Japanese inspired water garden on the other side of the road.

The two parts of Monet’s garden contrast and complement one another.

Giverny - La maison de Monet
La maison de Monet

La paroisse a été fondée sous les Mérovingienset l’église placée sous le vocable de sainte Radegonde.

Giverny - La maison de Monet

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